IndustryGoogle AdWords Beta Testing Demographic Bidding

Google AdWords Beta Testing Demographic Bidding

Seems Google is taking advantage of some of the DoubleClick features already. Demographic bidding is now being beta tested, according to the latest entry at Inside AdWords.

“Demographic bidding is a way to help your ads reach audiences of a certain age or gender. If you want your ads to be seen by women aged 18-24, or people over 55, demographic bidding can help,” the AdWords Help Center states on the page you can sign up for the beat test.

This will prove to be an interesting addition – though the MSN offering has not proven outstanding as yet – given the amount of traffic Google has to sort in to age demographics.

Have a product that is particularly of interest to women between the ages of 21-35 – give it a shot. Why pitch to a male searcher when they would not be interested.

We will follow this addition with interest. A thread to discuss it has been set up here (thanks beu for bringing this late breaking news).


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