IndustryBing Adds Emmy Award Info to Instant Answers

Bing Adds Emmy Award Info to Instant Answers

For those of you into the popularity contest prestigious television award ceremony known as the Emmy’s, you can use Bing to keep track of the goings on of the star-studded program and red carpet fashion when it happens this Sunday, September 20 at 8pm EST.

Simply type in “Emmy Awards” into the Bing search box and get all the showbiz goodness in a nifty info box at the top of the results.

This is especially handy in the following situations:

1. Your significant other is watching Sunday Night NFL football and refuses to hand over the remote. (Go Giants!)
2. You got stuck at the airport on a weekend vacay.
3. Your kid is acting up and you have to do some actual parenting.
4. You got the Sunday shift. Sucks for you.
5. You were playing Wii and accidentally broke the TV. That’s what you get for not wearing the wrist strap.


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