Social2 Books Offer Killer Social PR, Facebook Ad Tactics

2 Books Offer Killer Social PR, Facebook Ad Tactics

If the social media book fits; buy it, download it, read it and share it. This summer two noteworthy books hit the search and social scene offering tips on social media KPIs, organizing, writing, and influencing: The Social Media #ProBook and Killer Facebook Ads.

social-media-probook-table-of-contentsIf the social media book fits; buy it, download it, read it and share it. This summer two noteworthy books hit the search and social scene: “The Social Media #ProBook” and “Killer Facebook Ads.”

The “Social Media ProBook” (#ProBook), by Eloqua and JESS3, is a 42-page e-book written by 20 of the most influential figures in social media and public relations. It was introduced earlier this summer.

“Killer Facebook Ads” by Marty Weintraub was officially unveiled at SES San Francisco this week but don’t let the name fool you. This book covers more than just Facebook ad techniques; this is sure to be a business bestseller and is a title every marketing professional must read! It covers sleuth-like insight that will add lift and search power to your campaigns, whether you want to leverage Facebook Ads to generate “Likes,” promote events, sell products, market applications or deploy next-gen public relations campaigns.

Besides the risk of writing a book in such a fast moving industry, both social media covers share a common thread — a collaborative effort by the movers and shakers in the industry. These marketing mavericks are part of the early social media adapters circle. They risked the pains, took the hits and found success — and they are now offering up sources for all to learn from.


Measure what matters and analyze with meaning. Measuring social business success begins with constructing a measurement framework, which maps your objectives to the appropriate strategy. A measurement framework aligns KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) with criteria to measure against, according to #ProBook’s David Armano.

Weintraub’s Chapter 2, along with #ProBook’s Joe Chernov and Armano, emphasize the criticalness of setting Key Performance Indicators for social media campaigns. Amazingly, some of the savviest Fortune 100 companies forget the KPI or set unrealistic ones. For some social media KPI brainstorming, here are some buckets of KPI categories to stream from:

  • Branding KPIs – Raising awareness via social media channels and measure it using a Google’s Insights for Search Tool
  • Direct Response KPIs– How about setting a KPI to get X amount of downloads of a new whitepaper via a Facebook Ad?
  • Crisis Management KPIs– When crisis hits, how about a “feel good” campaign to settle things using Facebook ads? Crisis management KPIs set to offset negative publicity.
  • Community Relations KPIs – What does your hometown think of your company? How can social media improve and influence?
  • Internal Relations KPIs– Many times the red-headed step child of PR programs, remembering to send branding messages to employees can make or break a company culture.
  • Investor Relations KPIs– Sending messages to financial stakeholders or angel investors can deliver a wealth of confidence to a targeted investment community. Targeted social media campaigns measuring media mentions, blog posts and product reviews pre-IPO.
  • Media Relations KPIs– influencing certain journalists and looking for a specific media outcome as a result

Social Media Organizing

The section ‘How to Organize Internally By Joe Chernov’ is mindful and worth using as a benchmark from which to give your company a check up. This quote is a simple reminder that social media might be best when fluid. However, the plan should be anything but.

“Organic” is generally considered to be a favorable adjective. It connotes a healthy, maybe even sustainable, product or practice. But when used to describe your company’s social media structure, organic is code for “chaos.” Joe Chernoc VP of Content Marketing for Eloqua and overall content ninja

Social Media Starring Roles and Many Guest Stars

“Within a social media team there are at least two starring roles, social strategist and a community manager. The strategist is responsible for the overall program including the roadmap, governance model, and ROI metrics. They typically take a macro view and think with longer time horizons. A community manager on the other hand is a customer-facing role. They are responsible for engaging people online and growing the community,” says Jamie Grenney, VP of Social Media and Online Video at, in the Social Media ProBook.

Writing for Facebook

One power contributor to the “Social Media ProBook” is Jeff Widman, co-founder of PageLever and a Facebook Fan page expert at BrandGlue. He speaks regularly on the topic of Facebook.

I covered one of his panels recently where he emphasized that the Facebook Fan Page is not a destination page, but a conversion page. I think everyone should read that last sentence about 10 times. We know the importance of getting Likes, but let’s not forget there is life after Likes.

The newsfeed is the real goldmine, Wideman reminds us with research to back it up. Only 10 percent of interactions happen on the Facebook wall, but an estimated 90 percent happen in the newsfeed, according to PageLever data.

Facebook Writing Tips for Effective Status Updates

  1. Keep them short and sweet; less than two sentences.
  2. Ask for action with a question; front load the update with the question.
  3. No more than two updates a day.
  4. Test the weekends, less competition, more opportunity.
  5. Use rich media.
  6. Humanize.
  7. Rinse, lather and repeat – figure out what works and do it again.

Influencer 101

In the spin city world of PR, the bottom line is we want our clients to be known as the expert source in their niche industry. Becoming the “go to” person for quotes, interviews, and opinions starts with influence.

Being an influencer is a sure-fire way to get recognized by other influential personalities (i.e., media, prospects, clients, bloggers).

How can you become an influencer? Social Media Pro Book-ers reinforce the: Blog, tweet, review products, public speaking, publish research, write a book, comment on others’ blogs, produce videos, and contribute articles to trusted publications.

In the who’s who of influencers – at the end of the day strong content is really the big influencer, says Frank Eliason SVP of Social for Citi, in the Social Media ProBook. I guess you can say good content is all heart, no ego.

Each book deserves a solid read cover to cover, these excerpts are just a glimpse inside the minds of 21-plus digital hipsters who “get” social media.

The little black book of social media comes in ProBook red or Killer Facebook Ads blue and white.


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