SEOA Busy Week Already For Twitter – Fighting the Good Fight

A Busy Week Already For Twitter - Fighting the Good Fight

Ok, Twitter has been busy the first two days of this week – two actions by the company itself and one serious use of Twitter that stopped a news story from being buried. It is interesting that the platform has such impact when people use it as an aid to the Fourth Estate (slang for journalism).

This week a story about the tabling of a UK Parliament question about a company dumping toxic waste was banned by an injunction.. “The (UK) Guardian was banned from reporting the contents of a parliamentary question relating to the toxic dumping scandal yesterday,” the newspaper later reported, when the company’s lawyers did not contest the High Court challenge by the newspaper and the injunction was lifted.

The ban became a hotly trended topic on Twitter and since the news was out and getting even more bad publicity for the company it became useless to contest the challenge.

Guardian editor, Alan Rusbridger, via Twitter wrote: “Thanks to Twitter/all tweeters for fantastic support over past 16 hours!” A good example of Twitter’s impact on free speech.

In other action, Twitter added a spam reporting link, as reported here.

Twitter has also discontinued recurring Tweets, a violation of their terms and conditions – so APIs used to launch repeated tweets will be shut down. This is great if you follow people who use this to blast repeat messages of various sales pitches etc.

I do see it as a detriment to notices of important information – though I am sure Twitter will have some work around for various people who can show a justifiable reason for repeats – emergency announcements etc should be given the ability since many people do not see messages if they are not logged in at the exact time of the publishing. Could be worked around by using DMs to subscribed followers I suppose but then spam issues arise.

Keep at the solid work guys.


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