IndustryFacebook, YouTube and Twitter at SES New York! Oh, my!

Facebook, YouTube and Twitter at SES New York! Oh, my!

Why are Facebook, YouTube and Twitter featured on the SES New York agenda? Isn’t this a natural as finding lions, and tigers, and bears in the forest?

Wizard of Oz movie poster.jpg According to comScore qSearch 2.0, there were 2.7 billion expanded search queries conducted on YouTube and 206 million conducted at Facebook in February 2009. And according to Hitwise Intelligence, the top websites visited after people use Twitter are…wait for it…Google, Facebook, TwitPic, MySpace, Twitter Search, Yahoo! Mail and YouTube.

Okay, so Twitter’s clickstream profile is much closer to a social network than to a search engine. But I could say that about YouTube, too. And Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion in October 2006. And last April Fool’s Day, InfoWorld joked about Google buying Facebook, because Google was losing too many of its top people to Facebook. Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, the Motley Fool has just published an article entitled, “Google, Just Buy Twitter Already.”

So, it’s really not that surprising to find Facebook, and YouTube, and Twitter at SES New York. We’re not in Kansas anymore.

In fact, social media has worked its way into the agenda in lots of places and over several years.

On Monday, March 23, there is a training workshop entitled, “Corporate Blog Strategies: Blog Your Way to Success.” It’s being taught by Jennifer Evans Laycock, Director of Social Media at SiteLogic, and Matt Bailey, an SES Advisory Board member and the President of SiteLogic.

On Tuesday, March 24, the opening keynote at SES New York 2009 is entitled, “Twitter as a Tool for Social Media.” It’s being given by Guy Kawasaki, the author of Reality Check and Founding Partner of Garage Technology Ventures.

Pauline Ores, an SES Advisory Board member and Senior Marketing Manager of Social Media Engagement at IBM Corporation, is speaking at the “Beyond Googling: Where Will Your Customers Be Searching in Five Years?” session.

And Matthew Liu, the Product Manager for YouTube Sponsored Videos, will be speaking at the “Video Search Engine Optimization: 2009 and Beyond” session.

On Wednesday, March 25, the “Small Voices, Big Impact: Social Media for the Little Guy” session is another example of social media working its way into the agenda. And the speakers include: Amber Naslund, the Director of Community at Radian6; Jennifer Evans Laycock, Christina Kerley, Marketing Specialist at ckEpiphany; and Tim Kendall, Director of Monetization at Facebook.

And there is a session entitled, “Social Media Marketing for Brand Building” that features Dave Evans, VP at Digital Voodoo; Hollis Thomases, Founder of; and Harry J. Gold, CEO of Overdrive Interactive.

Oh, and there’s a “Facebook Workshop: Harnessing the Social Graph.” The speakers are Kasey Galang, Product Marketing Manager of Facebook and Rebecca Sawyer, Online Sales Operations Manager of Facebook.

On Thursday, March 26, there isn’t even an effort to disguise the social media sessions. In fact, there is a “Social Media and Blogging Track.”
• The first session in this track is entitled, “An Update on Social Media Optimization.” And one of the speakers is Dave Snyder, Co-Founder of Search & Social.
• The second session is entitled, “4 Views of Social Media: Planning a Successful Social Media Strategy.” The moderator is Pauline Ores.
• The third session is entitled, “Online Communities: A Bonanza of Content for Searchers and Search Engines.”
• The fourth session is entitled, “Online Communities: Blogging for Business.” One of the speakers is Jennifer Evans Laycock.

That’s right. They walk among us!

And it’s hard to tell when you’re talking with a search engine marketing expert and when you’re talking with a social marketing expert. It’s sort of like Americans and Canadians or people from the East Coast and people from the Left Coast. If it wasn’t for a few trick phrases, you’d never be able to tell them apart.

So, to help you navigate this socially awkward situation, here’s an SEM guide to Facebook, and YouTube, and Twitter. Oh, my!

Block: A Facebook term that means to prevent someone from searching for and viewing your profile. This is not to be confused with a “text block,” a term that SEMs might use describe various elements that are considered parts of normal text.

Block: A YouTube term that means certain content which violates YouTube’s Content ID usage policy will not be allowed on its network. This is not to be confused with the phrase “around the block a few times,” which might mean an SEM remembers the “Florida” update of November 2003.

Block: A Twitter term that means discovering new people on your Twitter Block by navigating through this animated three dimensional visualization of who follows whom. This is not to be confused with the expression “chip off the old block,” which might mean a young SEM submits to DMOZ just like his old man did.

Hmmm. We may need to call for backup.

Okay, I didn’t want to do this, but I’ll use YouTube to illustrate the difference between a search engine marketing expert and a social marketing expert.

In the example below, a Canadian interviews an American. Can you figure out which one is a search engine marketing expert and which one is a social marketing expert?

Small Business Viral Marketing Tips, SES San Jose 2008

Here’s another example. An East Coast guru interviews a Left Coast guru. Can you tell which one is a social marketing expert and which one is search engine marketing expert?

John Battelle on Google Universal Search at SES NY 2008

If you still can’t tell the difference between a search engine marketing expert and a social marketing expert, then we may need to “Test Your Awareness.” This is something that I learned about at SES London last month. Watch the video below and count the number of passes the team in white makes.

Test Your Awareness: Do The Test

Now, did you see the moonwalking bear?

That’s what I’m talking about. If you are focused on search engine marketing you may not see social marketing — until someone calls your attention to it.

Okay, that’s as much help as I can give you. At Search Engine Strategies New York, you may need to develop your own techniques for sorting this out. But whatever you do, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.


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