SocialBlogger and Google Cache Now Accessible in China

Blogger and Google Cache Now Accessible in China

The Infoworld article: Google’s Blogger service now accessible in China, reports that the Blogger service (at least for the time being) is back online and accessible in China after being blocked in 2002.

Also, the Google cache is also now accessible to Google users in China.

The opening of access to the cached Web sites on Google, which had previously been blocked by the company itself rather than government censors, appears to be a slightly different situation. In this case, the cache function may have been disabled by Google and was not blocked by the Chinese government, according to an observer familiar with the situation. Google executives were not immediately available to comment. The Chinese government does not acknowledge whether it takes actions to block specific Web sites, sometimes making it difficult to confirm whether a site has been blocked.

Thanks to eltelendro for the news tip.

Postscript: That was short lived. According to China-based Shak at, Blogspot blog are NO longer accessible. Shak also reports that the Google Cache is also not working.


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