IndustryAdsBlackList Offers AdSense Filter URL List

AdsBlackList Offers AdSense Filter URL List

Nathan Weinberg reports on a service named The service provides a list of predefined MFAs (Made for AdSense sites) that generate low quality click throughs and low CPCs. I have discussed at SER how adding URLs to the AdSense filter URL list can help increase your daily income with AdSense. That is the whole premise behind a central location for publishers to go and fetch a list of URLs to block. is just that list and it hopes to become a community effort.

The deal is, that the creators of has some negative past history.

(1) The original URL of this service was at and that URL was banned from AdSense, reportedly because of using the AdSense trademark in the URL.
(2) The owners of this site, themselves ran MFAs.
(3) The owners of this site, ran sites with content that goes against Google’s TOS.

To be fair, they have posted a full explanation and apology at Plus I have some more details at the Search Engine Roundtable with forum discussion from the owner at DigitalPoint Forums.


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