Local‘Tis the Season for Top Ten Lists

'Tis the Season for Top Ten Lists

UK-based local search engine 192.com has released a list of its top local searches for the holiday season. Some search term top ten lists, which always pour in at this time of year, can be a good indication of consumer buying activity (some, it must be noted, are heavily filtered as Danny Sullivan points out over at Search Engine Land).

“Royal Mail” tops the list, as the pragmatic requirements of the season occupy a significant portion of people’s time and mindshare. But the more fun elements of the holiday season are also represented further down the list with “Restaurants” and “Toy Shop”. Golf clubs and jewelry also seem to be the most popular gifts in the UK this year (assuming people are visiting, rather than buying and gifting, beauty salons and hotels).

Here is the entire list:

1. Royal Mail

2. Garden centers and florists

3. Beauty salons

4. Restaurants

5. Hotels

6. Golf

7. Taxis

8. Toy shop

9. Jewelers

10. Churches

Other interesting lists that have come out in the past week include Google’s and Yahoo!’s top search terms for the year explored earlier in the week by Greg Jarboe. AdAge listed its top 10 Internet acquisitions of 2006; The Seeking Alpha Blog has a top 10 list of tech storylines that defined ’06 (social media and video are not surprisingly at the top); while Sebastien Provencher’s new social/local media blog, Praized.com, looks forward to the top trends that will shape ’07.

If Provencher is right, online video and social networking will continue to shape the direction of the media world and particularly local search. Local advertising’s marriage with social networking was seen this year and it could grow considerably in ’07, as more small businesses see the value in viral marketing on a local level.

We could see this and other intersecting trends in ’07 and as innovation continues throughout the media world, and adoption levels for many developing forms of media (online video, mobile local search, social search, etc.) approach mainstream status.


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