AnalyticsOnline Video Wins the 9-5 Hour, Weekdays

Online Video Wins the 9-5 Hour, Weekdays

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I know you’re busy and all, watching online videos between 9-5 during the week. It’s a pleasure that you took the time to stop by when you could be watching vids of cute cats and dancing humans.

At least, that’s what you’re likely to do according to Nielsen Online.

65% of online video viewers conduct their viewing during business hours. That would be 9-5 weekdays.

51% also engage in the habit during the weekends. You just can’t get enough of the tube (the YouTube, that is).


The number of unique viewers dropped by 4 million, but the 120 million of you still sticking around are very loyal to your online video usage. You increased the amount of time spent watching by 10 minutes. That’s the length of an Ally McBeal-like dramedy in television years.


Of course, YouTube took top honors as the most watched network. MySpace (owned by Fox Interactive Media) comes in a very distant second followed by NBC’s Hulu, which was launched earlier this year (so that no one watches their shows on YouTube.)



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