IndustryGoing to SES New York or Stuck in South Succotash?

Going to SES New York or Stuck in South Succotash?

Approximately 5,000 marketers and search engine optimization professionals will be going to SES New York 2010 next week. In a challenging economy, it is even more important to keep up-to-date with industry trends, see new products and services, and maintain and build relationships. But what if you are stuck in South Succotash?

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Periscope view of the real-time search panel a...

Image by SESConferenceSeries via Flickr

Your company still expects you to do more with less this year. But, let’s say the folks over in finance were penny wise and pound foolish when they turned down your request to attend one of the industry’s most important events this year. What can you do?

First, you can pray that none of your competitors attend SES New York 2010 and learn all about brand new topics like:





But, let’s say that your competition’s folks in finance are as short sighted as your folks in finance have been. So, they won’t be learning anything new by going to 70+ sessions, hearing multiple keynotes, meeting with 100+ exhibitors, or attending networking events and parties.

In some respects, you’re lucky. But, you’re still stuck in South Succotash and you still need to figure out how to do more with less this year.

So, here’s my advice. Come to work before 9:00 a.m. or stay after 5:00 p.m. and try to read, watch or listen to as much coverage of SES New York as you can.

I know, I know. It’s not the same as being there. But, what else can you do?

Now, to help make these stolen moments during your extended work day as productive as possible, I’ve put together a list of news sources that will be covering SES New York 2010. If you don’t have time to read the whole book, at least make time to read the SparkNotes.

Here’s your cheat sheet to SES New York 2010:

1. Search Engine Watch will be covering the top 10 sessions. So, check each day for the latest stories.

2. Search Engine Roundtable is sending a team to cover SES New York 2010 virtually wall to wall. In previous years, they earned the reputation as the C-Span of SES and they’re sending their “A-Team” again this year.

3. ClickZ will also be covering the event from the perspective of the digital marketer. Check it out for a “second opinion.”

4. WebProNews will have multiple reporters on hand to cover the breaking news, business news, and technology news. Read their stories to increase your peripheral vision.

5. SESConferenceExpo’s Channel on YouTube will upload interviews with speakers, attendees and exhibitors at SES New York 2010. Visit daily or become a subscriber. Here’s a sneak preview of the opening keynote by David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR.

David Meerman Scott on the new rules of marketing & PR at SES New York 2010

6. WebProNews Videos will also have a team on hand creating search and eBusiness videos. Hey, these video journalists were covering industry events long before anyone else got their first camcorder.

7. SearchEngineWatch’s Channel on Youtube will feature tips and information about searching the web, analysis of the search engine industry, and help to site owners trying to improve their ability to be found in search engines.. Become a subscriber to get alerted when new videos are uploaded.

8. The aimClear Blog never misses SES New York. As part of their commitment to stay cutting-edge-current, aimClear team members hit the road for about 80 days of training each year.

9. SESConferenceSeries’ photostream on Flickr will document SES New York 2010.

10. TopRank’s Online Marketing Blog will post early and often from SES New York 2010. They also take some pretty great photos.

11. Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo has a Facebook page. Become a fan to follow the event.

12. WebmasterRadio.FM will present exclusive interviews with keynote speakers, David Meerman Scott and Avinash Kaushik, who will be presenting at the 2010 Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York City.

13. SESConf has a Twitter feed. Next week’s hashtag for Search Engine Strategies in New York is #SESNY or become a follower to stay updated in real-time.

14. Search Marketing Gurus will be there, blogging, taking photos, and shooting videos.

15. You can also join the Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo group on LinkedIn.

16. Search Engine Guide will also be at SES New York 2010 in force. Check out their coverage of the event.

But wait! There’s more!

There will be scores of journalists and bloggers reporting from the search engine marketing and optimization event. And there will be hundreds of Twitter users.

So, use Google’s real-time search results, YouTube search, or the search engine and social media of your choice to try to keep up-to-date with industry trends, see new products and services, and maintain and build relationships. It would be easier if you just went to SES New York. But, if you are stuck in South Succotash, then you gotta do what you can do.

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