IndustryGoogle Jockeying

Google Jockeying

Another phrase to join ‘surfing’ and ‘browsing’ – we now have ‘jockeying’ or Google jockeying, to be precise, according to the article from Pandia. Briefly put, Google jockeying (though it can be any search engine, it just seems that in order to gain attention Google has to be mentioned somewhere) is a situation where a teacher or presenter is giving a lecture and someone (the jockey) sits in the background running searches or using the search engine to demonstrate something that the presenter is talking about. There’s an interesting presentation on it provided by the Educause Learning Initiative.

It’s a great idea, if the presenter can get it to work. It would require a lot of work between them and the ‘jockey’ to ensure that the correct type of search was being run at the right time in a presentation. Alternatively the jockey could just have a list of ‘do this search at this point’ prompts, which would be rather dull I think.

Apparently Google jockeying doesn’t appear to impede students learning, which surprises me slightly; I know that if I was in the audience I’d be agog to see if a search turned up something that was unexpected, and I’d be paying more attention to that than the presentation itself. While it’s a tempting idea I suspect that I’ll stick to my tried and trusted method of asking delegates what they’d like to search for, and working with their input to create a more inclusive learning experience. However, in the right circumstances I think this approach could overcome the hurdles and end up a winner.


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