PPCHow to Make AdWords Paid Search Work for You – 7 Important Steps

How to Make AdWords Paid Search Work for You – 7 Important Steps

Want to make your AdWords PPC accounts work better for you? By using these seven routine tasks, you can be not only more effective in managing your paid search clients, but become more valuable to your clients as well.

PPCLet’s face it, PPC can be very hard at times. You’re balancing accounts, budgets, tasks – it’s a constant effort to keep up.

At the same time, you have to keep the customer at the forefront of all you do – because at the end of the day, you’re managing their money. It’s also important to set time aside to do things outside of the normal day to day routine to make your AdWords PPC accounts work better for you – as well as your client. Below are some key steps for you to follow:

1. Be Proactive

There’s nothing worse than when a client brings something to your attention that you should have caught. You have to stay on top of your campaigns at all times.

Use filters to do quick views of the data, such as keywords below the first page bid. Check your Dimensions tab – did things change from the previous day?

Staying on top of your PPC game is key to being successful. Are there other AdWords functions that you can be taking advantage of, such as remarketing or site links?

2. Develop Checklists

Creating daily, weekly, and monthly checklists can be invaluable, especially for keeping a check on key metrics such as budget pacing, performance, and identifying issues.

Consulting my daily PPC checklist is the first thing I do when I come in after I make my cup of tea. It has helped me not only be more proactive, but stay on the pulse of what’s going on with my accounts.

3. Know Your Client’s Business

This is very important to ensure the success of your PPC campaign. Knowing your customer’s business allows you to create more effective ad copy, better targeted keywords, and more effective landing pages.

Take the time to really understand what your client does, who their target audience is, and what their pain points are.

4. Check Out the Competition

Learning what your customer’s competition is doing can be very helpful in crafting your PPC campaign. Several tools can provide what your keywords your competitors are bidding on, as well as their ad copy.

You can also get an idea of what they are spending for paid search, so you can determine how much or how little they are playing in the space. This can be very useful if you’re looking at budget changes or new campaign launches.

5. Network Internally and Externally

PPC is always about learning. If you work in a larger company that has various people working on paid search, do a lunch get together and share experiences.

One company I worked for used to have everyone bring a “problem” client to the meeting, and everyone would provide feedback and ideas on how to improve the performance. Everyone has different levels of experience, and everyone brings something unique to the table.

Capitalize on sharing the knowledge. If you work for a smaller company and don’t have others you can mentor with in-house, network outside of your company through meet-up groups and community activities.

6. Keep up With Industry News

With AdWords changing almost daily, it’s critical to keep up with the news. This should be part of your daily task list.

The AdWords Blog provides up to the minute product changes in AdWords. In addition, there are a lot of great industry sites such as Search Engine Watch.

Knowing the latest industry news is also important to share with your client as well – it shows you are taking an active role in their account, and providing them with new insights.

7. Look Beyond Paid Search

Being in paid search doesn’t mean that we always have to be wearing that hat. Look for other opportunities with your client outside of PPC, such as social or SEO. Providing marketing expertise in other areas establishes you as a true partner with your customer – not just the person who manages their paid search.


By using these tasks, you can be not only more effective in managing your PPC clients, but become more valuable to your clients as well.


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